It’s going to rain. Deal with it.

1 Apr

It’s sort of a running joke that if my cousin ever needs some rain for his crops, all he needs to do is invite us up to go camping. That’s because it’s rained during at least five of our first eight campouts. (Or right before the camp out, in the case of 2010’s mudfest.)

No big deal, though. We’ve grown to expect it and we’ve gotten pretty good at rigging tarps to stay dry. The rain does put a damper on our fishing and horseshoe plans, but a guy’s camp out in the rain is still better than no camp out at all, right?

The free two-month weather forecast on the Farmer’s Almanac website only goes up to the end of May (a week before the campout), but according to the witches and psychics they employ to predict (control?) the weather, we can expect it to be “sunny, warm” the week before the campout. That means it’ll rain like hell during our weekend and then go back to being “sunny, warm” afterwards.

In preparation for the downpour, here are a few tips to make camping in the rain a little more bearable:

  • Avoid cotton clothing. Synthetic materials dry faster and keeps you warmer when wet.

Actually, that’s about the only good tip I could find, besides “stay the fuck out of the rain.” One lame website suggested that you “Don’t forget to bring your PMA (Positive Mental Attitude).” I don’t know what the hell that’s all about. The website also suggested “Looking for rainbows” and “splashing through puddles.”

The best way to prepare for the rain is the assume it’ll happen. If it does, we’ll be ready. If it doesn’t, that’s even better. Either way, if anyone at the camp out starts talking about keeping a Positive Mental Attitude, I’m going punch your Positive Mental Attitude in the balls.

3 Responses to “It’s going to rain. Deal with it.”

  1. John April 1, 2012 at 10:07 am #

    What’s wrong with splashing through puddles? Looking for rainbows is a splendid idea. Then we can share our feeling’s and how not to pull any pranks on anyone. That’s just mean and hateful.

  2. Dave S. April 1, 2012 at 4:46 pm #

    I agree, John. Rainbows are pretty fucking awesome. As for the pranks, I’ll give that some thought. I know there have been requests to not pull any pranks this year, but I’m not sure how I feel about that. If you ask me, that just makes me want to prank even more!

  3. Boyer April 2, 2012 at 9:48 am #

    Im gunna have to find a way to lock a tent door

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